Making Headlines

The following articles reflect our commitment to share sustainability-related accomplishments across the university — representing its colleges, departments, institutes, centers and other units — in the areas of research, student engagement, campus stewardship and collaborations with the public and private sectors.

Columbus Dispatch, Jan. 15, 2020

Medical marijuana vaping devices sold in Ohio dispensaries require disposable batteries, and patients worry about the environmental impact and the added cost. ...

Inside GNSS, Jan. 14, 2020

When Dorota A. Grejner-Brzezinska left her native Poland to study GPS in the United States, little did she know her work there would go on for three decades and take her to the world’s farthest reaches. Today, as University Distinguished Professor, Lowber B. Strange Endowed Chair, Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering and director of the Satellite Positioning and Inertial Navigation (SPIN) Lab at The Ohio State University, she leads a team of front-line GNSS researchers that is revolutionizing how we map and navigate. ...

Great Lakes Now, Jan. 10, 2020

Scientists who made predictions for Lake Erie’s harmful algal bloom hit the mark this year after predicting a severe bloom event on Lake Erie’s Western Basin. ...

WBNS, Jan. 5, 2020

Central Ohio is as cold as Antarctica. That may sound like an exaggeration, but meteorologist Drew Anderson has spent a few weeks in the Southern Hemisphere and can show why parts of Antarctica are not as cold as others expect. ...

Columbus Dispatch, Jan. 3, 2020

The effort to reduce the phosphorus load coming from farms and livestock operations in watersheds that drain into the western basin of Lake Erie will likely fall short. Yet the Ohio Department of Agriculture is issuing more livestock permits. Experts warn that more permits will mean more phosphorus. ...

WOSU All Sides, Dec. 30, 2019

Nearly two-thirds of North America’s birds could be at risk of extinction due to climate change. According to a report from the National Audubon Society, if the global temperature rise by 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit by the year 2100, 389 species of birds around the continent will be at risk for extinction.  ...

Knowable Magazine, Dec. 19, 2019

One brisk day in April 2013, as he drove with colleagues along the southern coast of Patagonia, Mike Kaplan spotted a geologist’s treasure trove — an active gravel pit with freshly exposed walls. He pulled over, grabbed the backpack full of digging tools stowed in the car trunk, and walked into the large hole. ...

Farm and Dairy, December 17, 2019

Plant pathologist Anne E. Dorrance has been named to the top leadership position at The Ohio State University Wooster campus. She will begin a four-year term Jan. 1 as associate dean and director for the Wooster campus and associate director for the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station in Ohio State's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES). ...

Popular Science, December 12, 2019

... (In) the near future, a new type of manufacturing could theoretically produce a Cybertruck of pretty much any shape. This new process, as outlined in a report from earlier this year by the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, is called metamorphic manufacturing, or robotic blacksmithing. ... Glenn Daehn, a professor of materials science and engineering at Ohio State University, ... who is also team lead for the new study on robotic blacksmithing, said in a video that CNC machining was the first type of digital manufacturing and rapid prototyping, and 3D printing was the second wave. The third wave is what he calls "metamorphic manufacturing," a process that borrows from both the world of blacksmiths and robotics, which can use sensors to evaluate the shape and microstructure of each part, while adding heat through lasers or shaping pieces with force from its own arms. ...

Forbes, December 12, 2019

... Satellite images have also been useful for scientists studying glaciers in other parts of the world. Ohio State University researcher Michalea King looked at the changes in Greenland’s glaciers since 1985, and discovered that they have been retreating by 3 miles on average in that time. She found that the most rapid changes in Greenland occurred in the years since 2000, at which point they started releasing increasingly large amounts of glacial ice into the ocean. ...