For Faculty

  • Ohio State Sustainability Fund...
  • Sustainability Institute Faculty News,

    SI affiliates may find it challenging to tell their story as they create dossiers that successfully go beyond disciplines to describe interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary scholarship and creative expression....
  • Sustainability Institute Faculty News,

    Renewable Hydrogen Energy:  The Way of the Future? We are amidst a transition toward to substantial amounts of renewable energy like solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass. But where and how does hydrogen fit? Do energy futures involve hydrogen, a relatively pollution-free fuel (when burned) that many see as viable? ...
  • Sustainability Institute Faculty News,

    What do convergence science, sustainability, and a hotdog bun have in common? Admittedly this sounds like a really bad geek joke, but bear with me. ...
  • Research Co-Leads:  Gulsah Akar and Steven Quiring...
  • Sustainability Institute Faculty News,

    Composed by Joseph Fiksel...
  • Sustainability Institute Faculty News,

    In 1993, the United Nations General Assembly formally designated March 22 as World Water Day. As we approach this 28th anniversary, two thoughts are at the top of my mind: (1) how climate change is accelerating many global water challenges, and (2) Ohio State’s many contributions to solving local, regional and global water challenges. ...
  • Sustainability Institute Faculty News,

    Each year, March 22 is designated by the United Nations as World Water Day, to bring attention to the critical value of clean water for all peoples. The UN launched the Valuing Water Initiative in 2019 to bring systemic change in the way water is valued in decision-making to ensure we can live in a sustainable water-secure world. ...
  • Sustainability Institute Faculty News,

    The Sustainability Institute hosted its inaugural Energy Symposium last week, led by our two Sustainable  Energy research leaders, Jeff Bielicki and David Cole. The symposium featured researchers working on innovations in decarbonization technology and policies, and to better understand the potential environmental, social and economic challenges and implications, as well as others at Ohio State engaged in helping this transition for our campus and in Ohio communities....
  • Sustainability Institute Faculty News,

    In the global conversation about energy, one point is inescapably true: energy underpins economies, people's quality of life and human progress. Societal use of energy can also undermine environmental functioning and social equity. Perhaps the single most defining challenge of this century is to create an energy future for humanity that Earth can sustain and one that can sustain Earth for humanity. To do so is to address the energy puzzle. ...