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Red Team Review Honorarium Funding

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November 1, 2023

The Sustainability Institute has funds set aside for FY24 to provide a modest honorarium to external (non-Ohio State) reviewers participating on Ohio State Red Team Review panels for interdisciplinary sustainability research proposals. To be eligible for these funds, the proposal must be clearly focused on a sustainability topic. In addition, a SI Affiliate must serve as PI or Co-PI on the proposal, and the proposal team must include representation from at least two distinct disciplines. If approved, SI will provide up to a $500 honorarium per red team reviewer and no more than $750 per red team review panel.  

Funding requests for FY24 will be reviewed on a rolling basis and considered until funds run out or through June 1st, 2024, whichever comes first. Questions? Contact Courtney Price, Sustainability Institute research program manager.  

Red Team Review Honorarium Funding Request Form