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Sustainability, STEAM Factory researcher takes faculty position in Israel

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July 6, 2021

Atar Herziger, a postdoctoral researcher for the Sustainability Institute, School of Environment and Natural Resources and the STEAM Factory, leaves the university this summer to join the faculty of industrial engineering and management at the Technion (Israeli Institute of Technology). 

Herziger led or contributed to collaborative work with faculty members on research projects addressing various domains of sustainable behavior, including adaptation to climate change; curtailment of material, food, and energy consumption; adoption of EVs; recycling; sustainable transportation behavior; and accessibility of urban green spaces.    

During her time at Ohio State, Herziger focused on promoting research, fostering cross-disciplinary collaboration and building relationships with partners within and outside of the Ohio State community. She published four papers and co-authored six grant proposals, four of which were awarded a total of over $1.3 million dollars.   

Examples of her research and collaboration successes include: 

  • Working with Assistant Professors Nicole Sintov, environment and natural resources, and Grant Donnelly, marketing and logistics, to support two research proposals: one to study energy conservation on the Ohio State campus (with ENGIE and Ohio State’s Office of Student Life) and the other to study consumer engagement with reverse vending machines (with Coca-Cola). Both proposals were funded, and work is underway to advance these projects.  

  • Helping to advance research on electric vehicle adoption with Sintov and Assistant Professor Andre Carrel, civil, environmental and geodetic engineering, leading to a manuscript using existing data from Ford and the Smart Columbus program.    

  • Using Smart Columbus data to evaluate Columbus residents’ perceptions of the transportation services in the city in a project with Professor Gulsah Akar, city and regional planning, and Associate Professor Jeremy Brooks, environment and natural resources. Also using the Smart Columbus data, Atar supported a research project with Brooks and Carrel investigating the relationship between access to urban green spaces and subjective well-being. This project, also in collaboration with Jonathan Stiles, geography, a STEAM Factory postdoctoral researcher, focuses on the contributions of multi-method and multi-disciplinary approaches to sustainable urban planning and transportation systems. 

  • Developing and initiating the STEAM Interdisciplinary Postdoc Job Prep Peer Group with Stiles. In the group, members received peer feedback on practicing virtual job talks for an interdisciplinary audience and served as a sounding board for the various experiences and stressors associated with the 2020 job market.